
April 7, 2008: World Health Day

On April 7, 1948, the World Health Organization is established within the United Nations and is focused on themes that concern public health. WHO celebrates this day, every year, as World Health Day, which is dedicated to a topic of great importance to health globally.

March 24, 2008 – World Tuberculosis Day

Today, March 24, 2008, is the World Tuberculosis Day that aims to inform the public about tuberculosis which affects a great number of people around the world every year but can be treated with the right medication.

Results of the DIRERAF Project

The Institute of Preventive Medicine Environmental and Occupational Health was one of the partners of the three-year long European project "DIRERAF-Development of Public Health Indicators for Reporting Environmental/ Occupational Risks Related to Agriculture and Fishery". The project's outputs and recommendations were presented with great success at a press conference that took place in Athens, on January 14.

A course regarding scientific writing entitled “Getting your research published: a course in medical writing”

A successful course regarding scientific writing entitled "Getting your research published: a course in medical writing" was organised for the second time by Prolepsis, with the kind support of Novartis Oncology, and took place on September 7-8, 2007 at Divani Apollon Hotel.

Successful open lecture entitled “Cancer: Strategies and Priorities for Prevention”

The open lecture entitled "Cancer: Strategies and Priorities for Prevention" organized by Prolepsis with the kind support of Novartis Oncology took place on September 6th, at Aegli Zappiou. The event was characterized as very successful. A large audience attended the lecture of Dr Graham Colditz, Niess-Gain Professor in the School of Medicine and Associate Director Prevention and Control, Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University School of Medicine. The lecture also attracted great interest from the Greek Mass Media, through coverage during prime time TV news and articles in high- circulation newspapers.

Open lecture entitled “Cancer: Strategies and priorities for prevention”

Prolepsis sponsored by Novartis Oncology, organizes an open lecture with Graham A. Colditz, MD, DrPH, Niess-Gain Professor in the School of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Associate Director Prevention and Control, Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University School of Medicine entitled "Cancer: Strategies and priorities for prevention".

“ETHREAT” Pilot course

A pilot course in the framework of the European project with the title European Training for Health Professionals on Rapid Response to Health Threats was organized in Athens between the 23rd and the 25th of May 2007.

Prolepsis Seminar on “Forces of Change: New Strategies for the Evolving Health Care Marketplace”