Informative Event For The Prohibition Of Smoking

The Institute of Preventive Medicine, Environmental & Occupational Health, Prolepsis, held an informational event on Thursday, July 2nd, following the implementation of the new law that bans smoking in all indoor spaces and came into effect in Greece on July 1st. Around 200 people, including representatives of the Greek Orthodox Church and the State, as well as representatives of major employers and employees associations/bodies and unions, attended the event at Karatzas Megaron in Athens.

The event was held under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity and aimed to inform employers, employees, unions and the general public regarding the implementation of the antismoking law, focusing on the right all workers have to a healthy, smoke-free environment.

Mrs. Athena Linos, Ass. Professor of the Medical School, University of Athens, and President of Prolepsis Institute, coordinated the event and gave the opening speech.

As the first speaker, the Minister of Health & Social Solidarity, Mr. Dimitris Avramopoulos, characterized the 2nd of July as a very important day-a day following the implementation of the new law that marked the beginning of the effort to protect public health and culture. In his speech, Mr. Dimitris Avramopoulos stressed the inalienable right workers have to a permanently smoke-free working environment, while encouraged employers to create a common front for the protection of working life. Mr. Avramopoulos also noted that the Greek society is now ready to welcome and support a law that protects its citizens. The principal aim of the Ministry of Health is to establish common ground for an anti-smoking policy within the framework of a democratic environment. The Minister also pointed that the new law aims at the harmonious coexistence of citizens and not the racism against smokers and stated: "… the whole effort is based on applying proportionality, democracy and the participation of citizens …". Finally, with the implementation of the law, particular emphasis is given on the new generation of Greeks, by building a new civilian architecture.

"Adapting to change, changing our habits", said characteristically Mr. George Floridis, MP- Kilkis prefecture and representative of PA.SO.K. in the Health Sector, who followed Mr. Dimitris Avramopoulos. Mr. Floridis expressed his support for the implementation of the new law and emphasized the need for stronger prohibitions.

A panel discussion with representatives of stakeholders involved and affected directly and indirectly by the application of the law followed. In an atmosphere of consensus and cooperation, the speakers of the panel, coordinated by Prof. Athena Linos, made interesting remarks, expressing both their concerns and support and optimism regarding the acceptance of the new law by the Greek public.

More specifically, in the discussion participated Mr. Alexis Zorbas, Unit Coordinator Strategy & Health Policy, Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, Mr. Ioannis Panagopoulos, President of the General Confederation of Greek Workers, G.S.E.E., Mr. Harry Kyriazis, Vice-President of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, S.E.V., Mr. Ilias Iliopoulos, Secretary-General of the Top Management of Public Employees Unions, A.D.E.D.Y., and Mr.George Vernikos, Vice-President of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises, S.E.T.E.

Mr. Alexis Zorbas, Unit Coordinator Strategy & Health Policy, Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, presented in detail the actions of the Ministry regarding the preparation of the public for accepting and adhering to the law. Among others, he referred to the six-month period of adjustment required for its effective implementation, as well as the new help line dedicated to the new law. (1142). He stressed, finally, that Greece and its civil society is making a revolutionary stand and for the first time has its own anti-smoking policy.

Mr. Ioannis Panagopoulos, representing Greek workers as the President of G.S.E.E., stated that "the law was created to protect those who do not smoke. At the same time, it gives an opportunity to those who smoke to quit".

Mr. Harris Kyriazis, Vice-President of S.E.V., stressed the need for employers who smoke to become an example to their employees and be the first to implement the law.

Mr. Ilias Iliopoulos, A.D.E.D.Y. Secretary-General, stressed that the health of citizens is a priority, and urged the public to be united and supportive towards the law.

Mr. George Vernikos, Vice-President of S.E.T.E., closed the panel stating that smoking is a sign of underdevelopment and not an example of culture. He expressed the full support of the tourism industry to the implementation of this important measure, which constitutes a pioneering element for any country.

Father Elias Drosinos, the representative of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, who was also among the event's speakers, referred to the law as an expression of love to our fellow being and respect to the human body for it is the dwelling place of our soul. Furthermore, he expressed his wish that the new law will be the starting point for other toxic agents to be dealt with as well.

The event was closed by Prof. Athena Linos, who emphasized that the complete banning of smoking is a necessity to public health and an obligation of the state in order to ensure citizens' health, similar to, if not more important than, road safety, the use of seat belts and helmets, clean drinking water and a pollutant-free atmosphere. Moreover, according to Prof. Linos, it is necessary to achieve a broad cooperation between employers, employees and the leadership of Greece for the successful implementation of the law, so as to combat smoking consequences and not the smokers, the dependence on tobacco and not the dependent individuals.



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