Informational events for senior citizens on the prevention of accidents
The Institute of Preventive Medicine, Environmental and Occupational Health, Prolepsis, intensifies its actions to promote the health of vulnerable groups such as older people implementing, with the kind support of Tena, a series of informational events for the prevention of accidents, at Municipal Day Care Centres for the Elderly.
In particular, 3 very successful events were organized so far in the following Municipal Day Care Centres for the Elderly:
• Municipal Day Care Centre for the Elderly of Maroussi on March 28th , 2012
• Municipal Day Care Centre for the Elderly of Glyfada on April 25th , 2012
• Municipal Day Care Centre for the Elderly of Holargos on May 8th , 2012
4 more events are planned.
During the events educational material is presented, specially developed and designed for older people in the framework of the European program "Alpha-to-Omega-New pathways towards volunteering and life learning for senior European citizens" in which Prolepsis participated as an associate partner. Presentations focus on identifying high risk areas of a household and the main factors that can cause accidents at home. Seniors enjoy the use of pictures and examples and participate actively. Finally, useful advice is provided regarding safer household arrangement in order to prevent possible accidents. The main objective of the events is not only to inform elderly people but also to help them develop competencies and skills that will facilitate the long-term adoption of healthy behaviors and attitudes.