Refugees – Migrants
As part of its social work, Prolepsis Institute has organized and/or participated in a number of humanitarian actions aiming to fight poverty, social exclusion, and to promote migrants’ and refugees’ health and well-being:
- Since the beginning of 2019, the Institute supports meal provision to and the adoption of healthy nutrition habits by unaccompanied refugee children in Greece, in cooperation with the non-profit organization The HOME Project.
- In 2015-2016 the Institute provided immediate support and relief services to refugees during their reception to the regions of Attica and eastern Aegean Sea islands. Apart from medical services, the support actions included distribution of food, clothing, footwear, provision of mediation services, etc.
- In July 2018 the Institute carried out an information action to refugee children of 6 to 12 years old, aiming to promote healthy nutrition habits, as part of the summer educational program “Listening and Welcoming” organized by Caritas Greece.